Well it's like this Hayley,

Somewhere you are real, and you have someone.

Do you ever have the feeling that someone dreams you?

Like a mIssing sensation of something unnoticed...

When you've only just met and you've known each other forever.

And you realise that something precious you’ve had for a long time, thought it was you.

It's the time of running out of feeling.

When you throw away your time.

When you throw away your time, actually glad to see the back of it

To escape from the one of you, that you know needs sadness, to be the one that does not.

The memory of the colour yellow is there anyway.

When you lose your love.

When she throws you away.

I remember you.

You are beautiful. You are all beautiful, beautiful as the memory of the colour blue.

So colour the memory.

The lie that someone was, in reality truly beautiful,

When the realisation is, that beauty is stupid.