Hi Martyn,
I can imagine not having time to do work to be quite frustrating! it must be hard to get the balance right.
What would you do with your life if someone stopped you right now and made ANYTHING possible?
Hi Hayley,
This is what I'd do. I would go away to learn spanish and take a flamenco guitar course. That would be my 'job'. Then in the evenings i'd make the video work. I'd fall in love with a beautiful woman and make love every afternoon. In the evening, after work, we'd go to a bar and drink and smoke until the early hours speaking in spanish and putting two fingers up to the rest of the world!
Hi Martyn,
I think if i could do anything i would move to Canada if only for a while. I would make friends with bears and fall in love with a man with a beard.
We would take our chairs outside and we'd look out at the mountains and drink pure vodka.
we'd draw bears on plain paper and pin them up with speech bubbles.
Hi Hayley,
Tell me what the bears would say...
Hi Martyn