hayley's story

On friday i went out to a rubbish bar in Old Street which was full of middle aged businessmen, in expensive suits 'letting their hair down', very embarrassing.
while i was trying to look at anything other than the dancing men (who would try and make you dance with them if you so much as glanced in their direction) i saw something to the left of my foot, just under my chair.
it was a plum.
for some reason i found this quite amusing (probably the red wine), and also very beautiful. i put it on the table in front of me and was trying to think what i should do with it, when a dancing businessman waltzed over, took a bite out of it, and skipped away again.

i wanted to keep the plum, and do something with it. i had the spit of a man i will never see again. later on someone kicked it across the dancefloor and i couldnt find it. i couldnt find the man either. everything was ruined and i went home.